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Corporate Design

"Nothing in the world is so powerful
like an idea whose time has come.”
- Victor Hugo

CD Badminton Vienna Flyer 2025

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Badminton Vienna Flyer

No Filter Hair & Photography Studio Logo Design 2024

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No Filter Logo

CD 2024

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Goldmariechen business cards

CD & logo design Bartul's TastyTram 2023

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Bartuls Mockup.png

CD Eva Rümmele 2023

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Eva Rümmele business cards

Logo design KAISER GMBH 2022

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CD Lebenstänzer 2022

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business cards

Flyer Badminton Vienna 2022

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Logodesign LenaMaya 2022

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Logodesign B&B Austria 2021

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Logodesign Wellness Solutions 2021

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